Présentation de nos ambassadeurs de marque

Êtes-vous un influenceur inspiré du bien-être ? Appréciez-vous l’idée selon laquelle les affaires doivent inclure un but, un profit et même une âme ?
Sewanti tire son origine de la racine du mot « Sewa » qui signifie service. Apprendre à nous servir aux côtés de la communauté est l’un des principaux objectifs de notre entreprise.
Notre objectif est de prendre la sagesse intemporelle de l'Ayurveda et de la traduire en solutions pratiques pour améliorer la qualité de votre vie. Nous voulons diffuser ces connaissances holistiques et partager librement l’éducation.
Nous recherchons des « ambassadeurs Sewanti » pour promouvoir nos produits et nous aider à sensibiliser la communauté aux bienfaits de l'Ayurveda, la mère de la médecine holistique.
1) Maintain an active social media following of at least 1,000 or more.
2) Be actively engaged in professions such as Yoga Instructors, Ayurvedic Practitioners, Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, and other Holistic Professionals, or simply possess a genuine love for Sewanti and all things Ayurveda.
3) Possess a sincere appreciation for the Ayurvedic journey and products offered by Sewanti.
4) Express a genuine desire to share personal transformative experiences with Ayurveda.
If you meet any of these qualifications, we welcome you to join our community and contribute to the collective celebration of Ayurveda and Sewanti's exceptional products.
Only 15 people will be chosen to be ambassadors for this year. Make sure you get your spot in time by sending your application today!
Sewanti believes in giving back to the community, that is why each ambassador will benefit from our cross promotion for their studio or service via our social media channels.
Content showcasing your Sewanti Ayurvedic lifestyle! Express your passion for our products by:
1) sharing website product reviews
2) featuring lifestyle, product review, and tutorial videos through your social media channels
3) tag or collaborate Sewanti’s social media handles use #sewantiayurvedicseries in all posts.
4) recommend Sewanti’s products to family, friends and clients.
We look forward to collaborating with you and we send good thoughts and blessings your way. Let us build together a stronger, stable and more peaceful community.