Présentation de nos ambassadeurs de marque

Farah Moolji Nazarali
Farah Moolji Nazarali
Instructeur de yoga et médiateur de conflits
Puissance Keisha
Puissance Keisha
Étudiant en ayurvéda, hôtesse de l'air, assistante pédagogique, professeur d'anglais langue seconde, professeur de yoga, coiffeuse, coach de santé et de remise en forme
Neelam Bhella
Neelam Bhella
Coach bien-être ayurvédique
Maria Jose
Maria Jose
Praticien ayurvédique
Lizzey Gregory-Ducharme
Lizzey Gregory-Ducharme
Ayurveda Student
Sarrah Zadeh
Sarrah Zadeh
Director of Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, Ayurvedic Wellness Consultant, Nutritionist

Nous recherchons des « ambassadeurs Sewanti » pour promouvoir nos produits et nous aider à sensibiliser la communauté aux bienfaits de l'Ayurveda, la mère de la médecine holistique.

To be eligible for participation, individuals must reside in either Canada or the United States and meet one or more of the following criteria:

1) Maintain an active social media following of at least 1,000 or more.
2) Be actively engaged in professions such as Yoga Instructors, Ayurvedic Practitioners, Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, and other Holistic Professionals, or simply possess a genuine love for Sewanti and all things Ayurveda.
3) Possess a sincere appreciation for the Ayurvedic journey and products offered by Sewanti.
4) Express a genuine desire to share personal transformative experiences with Ayurveda.

If you meet any of these qualifications, we welcome you to join our community and contribute to the collective celebration of Ayurveda and Sewanti's exceptional products.
Sewanti Ambassadors receive a custom code intended for their personal use only. The code offers the ambassadors a gift of 50% off their online purchases (up to a maximum of C$500) on any of the Sewanti products. The code is available for one year, and ambassadors also have the opportunity to earn commissions from referrals.

Only 15 people will be chosen to be ambassadors for this year. Make sure you get your spot in time by sending your application today!

Sewanti believes in giving back to the community, that is why each ambassador will benefit from our cross promotion for their studio or service via our social media channels.

In exchange we require

Content showcasing your Sewanti Ayurvedic lifestyle! Express your passion for our products by:

1) sharing website product reviews
2) featuring lifestyle, product review, and tutorial videos through your social media channels
3) tag or collaborate Sewanti’s social media handles use #sewantiayurvedicseries in all posts.
4) recommend Sewanti’s products to family, friends and clients.
Apply by sending us an e-mail at with your name, phone number, address, occupation, and a little bit about yourself. Please also link all relevant social media and other online channels such as facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, your personal website etc.

We look forward to collaborating with you and we send good thoughts and blessings your way. Let us build together a stronger, stable and more peaceful community.
