Ayurveda's Guide to the Best and Worst Drinks

Author: Vd.Muskan Abedin, Vd Sara Maid, Vd Aishwarya Saindane, Vd Tejas Ahire


In a world saturated with beverage options, it's easy to overlook the impact they have on our well-being. Ayurveda focuses a lot on what should go inside our body for the prevention of diseases as well as maintaining a healthy well-being. From calming herbal infusions to sugary indulgences, let's explore Ayurveda's perspective on the best and worst drinks for our health.

Best Drinks in Ayurveda

Worst Drinks in Ayurveda

Warm Water (Ushna Jalapana)

Ayurveda considers warm water as a powerful elixir for digestion and detoxification. Drinking warm water, especially in the morning, kick starts the digestive fire (Agni), aiding in the elimination of toxins and promoting a healthy metabolism.

Ice-Cold Beverages

Ayurveda cautions against the consumption of ice-cold beverages, as they can extinguish the digestive fire (Agni) and disrupt the body's natural processes. Cold drinks hinder digestion, leading to imbalances and sluggish metabolism.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas consisting such as ginger, tulsi (holy basil), pepper, or licorice are cherished in Ayurveda for their healing properties. Ginger tea aids digestion, tulsi tea, and pepper tea boost immunity, while licorice tea soothes the throat and balances the doshas.

Excessive Caffeine

Ayurveda warns against the excessive consumption of caffeine-rich beverages like strong coffee or energy drinks. These stimulants overwork the nervous system, disrupts sleep patterns, and depletes the body's natural energy reserves.

Warm Milk

Warm milk, infused with spices like turmeric is a staple in Indian households. This comforting beverage calms the mind, nourishes the body, and promotes restful sleep, making it an ideal choice for overall well-being.

Carbonated Drinks

High in sugar and artificial additives, carbonated drinks are considered detrimental to health in Ayurveda. These fizzy beverages aggravate Pitta dosha, leading to inflammation, acidity, and imbalance in the body.

Buttermilk (Fermented Dairy)

According to Ayurveda, buttermilk, known as "Takra" or "Takram," holds a special place in traditional wellness practices due to its numerous health benefits. Buttermilk is revered for its ability to kindle the digestive fire (agni) without aggravating Pitta dosha.

Ayurveda also considers buttermilk as cooling and soothing, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with a Pitta constitution or imbalances. Its cooling effect helps to calm inflammation, acidity, and heat-related conditions in the body, such as heartburn or gastritis. Buttermilk is a hydrating beverage rich in essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, and probiotics.


While Ayurveda acknowledges the occasional use of alcohol in moderation, excessive consumption is strongly discouraged. Alcohol impairs digestion, disturbs mental clarity, and aggravates Pitta dosha, leading to imbalances in the body and mind.




In Ayurveda, the key to optimal health lies in balance and mindful consumption. By choosing nourishing beverages that support our body's natural rhythms and avoiding those that disrupt harmony, we can cultivate vitality and well-being from within.

Whether it's a comforting cup of herbal tea to unwind or a refreshing glass of warm water to kick start the day, let Ayurveda guide your beverage choices towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Cheers to nourishing your body, mind, and spirit with every sip!

Comments (1)

  • Janet on Jun 04, 2024

    Wonderful..useful article. I will share it with my yoga class & Abby & marma clients.
    It is a challenge for kapha to give up their ice water.
    I love the details re benefits of buttermilk.
    I often serve herbal tea after my yoga class depending on the season.
    Best wishes to you in your work. May you be happy..healthy..& free.
    Shanti. Shanti. Shanti om

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