7 Ayurvedic Tips to Stay Healthy and Energized During Your Summer Adventures

Author: Vd. Muskan Abedin

Co-author: Vd. Sara Maid, Vd Aishwarya Saindane

As summers get hotter, it's crucial to prioritize self-care to keep both your mind and body in top shape. Ayurveda offers ritucharya, tailored regimens for each season, focusing on adjusting your diet and exercise routine to match the dominant doshas of the season.

During summer, the intense heat increases dryness and warmth on the earth, leading to an imbalance in vata and pitta doshas. This makes it essential to adopt a summer lifestyle that prevents these imbalances. Integrating Ayurveda into your fast-paced lifestyle, especially during busy summer months, can be a challenge. But with some simple adjustments and the right products, you can harness Ayurveda's power to maintain your health and vitality. 

Here's how you can seamlessly incorporate Ayurveda into your summer routine.

  1. Embrace the Early Morning Energy

Rise and shine early to exercise before the sun hits its peak. It's best to avoid high-intensity workouts during the hottest part of the day.

  1. Kickstart Your Day with Triphala

The renowned Ayurvedic formula Triphala, a blend of three dried fruits, is valued for its support of digestive health and detoxification. Starting your day with warm water mixed with Triphala powder can set the tone for a healthy day ahead. 

Conversely, if you are miles away from home and enjoying your vacation, you can easily take Triphala Plus capsules which come in light and convenient travel size. Triphala can also help you detoxify after indulging in the variety of food you had over vacation. With this, take Triphala Plus 2 capsules before bedtime. 

  1. Enjoy Cooling, Nourishing Foods

Incorporate cooling and light foods into your diet, accompanied by refreshing spices like fennel, mint, and coriander. Opt for hydrating fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and cucumbers. Include plain buttermilk during your meals and bid farewell to spicy foods.


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Grab your Ayurvedic essentials and stay harmonized wherever your journey takes you! 🏖️✈️ 

  1. Keep Your Cool and Boost your Energy with Holy Basil

Tulsi (Holy Basil) is an Ayurvedic staple known for its revered properties. Holy Basil keeps you energized throughout the day as well as greatly helps with allergies which you may experience while traveling on the road. 

  1. Unwind with Stressnil

Traveling to a place with a different time zone? Take Stressnil with you to help you sleep and adjust your body clock.  After winding down in the evening with Stressnil, combine it with a soothing routine like a warm bath or gentle yoga for maximum relaxation.

  1. Stay Refreshed and Hydrated

Summer can be taxing on your body, leading to dehydration and heat-related issues. Keep yourself cool and hydrated with plenty of water, coconut water, mint-infused beverages, and herbal teas like chamomile and hibiscus. These beverages not only hydrate you, but also help naturally cool down your body.

  1. Revitalize with Gentle Exercises

Engage in gentle exercises, especially in the early morning, and incorporate cooling yogic breathing techniques like shitali and anulom vilom. Steer clear of high-intensity exercises if you're prone to heat-related issues.

By weaving these Ayurvedic practices and products into your daily routine, you'll elevate your summer experience while maintaining your health and vitality. 

Ayurveda is all about embracing harmony and balance with nature, and making these small changes can significantly impact your overall well-being. 

So, stay cool, stay hydrated, and welcome the wisdom of Ayurveda for a vibrant and healthy summer.

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